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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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Year 4 Sycamore and Holly

Welcome to Year 4!

Sycamore and Holly Classes

The Class Teacher for Sycamore Class is Mrs Sally Milne, who is supported by Teaching Assistants Mrs Caroline Smith and Mrs Catherine Camp.  The Class Teacher for Holly Class is Mrs Jemima Scott, supported by student teacher, Mr Will Allen.  They are supported by Teaching Assistants Ms Leyla Lavelle and Mrs Carol Henderson.


During the school year, the cross-curricular topics cover the Romans, Europe, Ancient Greece and India.  Learning outside the classroom provides wonderful experiences and opportunities for the children to participate in their topic learning.  We enjoy a Roman day, a Greek day and some Indian cooking experiences.  In Year 4, we aim to develop children's awareness of world issues and encourage learning for life.

Throughout the year, the science curriculum covers sound, electricity, the digestive system and teeth, living things and habitats and states of matter and these areas are also linked to the current topic where possible. 


