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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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A HUGE thank you from us to Mr and Mrs Bland and the girls for building us this wonderful school wormery! We can't wait to fill it with rich soil and worms ready for them to work hard at composting some of our school waste such as fruit peel and much more! We will let you know once the wormery is up and running so that you can all come and have a look and see the worms hard at work!




Today in Reception the children learnt all about the human body and how we grow! They also explored the differences between wet and dry sand and had lots of fun feeling and observing the different textures and working out what they could be used for!

Year 1

Year 1 enjoyed a taste survey today where they had to predict and taste different drinks. The children created star charts to show which drinks were their least and most favourite! The tomato juice (which the children were convinced was ketchup, soup and even spaghetti bolognaise) was not very popular!

Year 2

Year 2's taste buds were tingling today as they made a range of healthy, delicious fruit smoothies.

The children planned, designed, made and reviewed their smoothies whilst using the food pyramid to learn about what to eat to keep healthy and have a balanced diet.

Year 3
Year 3 became Hollywood stars today as we produced a film of the life of famous scientist Mary Anning! We used a green screen backdrop and technology to superimpose the children into different settings. We learnt about why the colour green is used and what it important to consider when setting up a green screen.

Year 3 were also busy learning about electromagnets; what they are, how they work and what they are used for. The children made their own electromagnets and investiagted whether they could change the strength of the magnetic force by changing one of the components.

Year 4

Today Year 4 took advantage of the nicer weather to clear out their vegetable bed from stones, weeds and debris. We are now waiting to add the top soil and compost before planting our carrot seeds later in the spring. To their amazement, Sycamore class found three hibernating newts under the soil! The children carefully left them alone, where they will be safe from any frosts.

During the afternoon, the children created fact files about carrots, and learned some amazing carrot-related information. Holly Class’s favourite fact was that 1 carrot gives you the energy to walk one mile. Sycamore class were amazed to find out that scientists have estimated that in the near future carrots will be the new “fuel of the future”, with 6000 carrots needed per mile.

Year 5

Today year 5 went out to the vegetable patch to weed out the soil in preparation for the planting of courgette and onion seeds. We used a range of tools and made a few interesting discoveries including the aromatic plant, wild garlic! Discussions took place regarding the reasoning behind our weeding exercise and we talked about how we could improve the soil as well as the benefits of leaving leaf litter to decompose.

Year 6

Y6 were engineers as well as scientists today. They were asked by the Space Agency to identify the best landing site for a Martian Rover. Using photographs, data about crater and rock sizes and ages, they had to balance the needs to land safely with the desire to collect the best possible samples. It was an interesting debate!
