School Uniform
Our school uniform is worn by all pupils and we ask parents to follow the school uniform policy. Smart uniform helps our pupils to foster a pride in their personal appearance, pride in the School and is easily recognisable on school visits.
Second hand uniform sales are run regularly by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). We acknowledge the significant cost to parents of school uniform and have limited school branded items to a minimum. Branded items are available to purchase via our second hand uniform sales.
The school uniform supplier is Horncastles, 66 High Street, Sevenoaks, 01732 453574.
Items from Horncastles can be bought in person from their shop or online, please follow the link below. They normally offer a 5% discount on all items purchased.
Those items marked * below can only be bought from Horncastles. All other items, e.g. white shirts, grey trousers, pinafores, etc can be bought from any supplier. Second hand uniform sales are run on a regular basis by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
Children should wear smart black school shoes to and from school and in the school building. We ask each child to bring in a separate pair of shoes, e.g. wellies, boots to wear outside at break and lunchtime play.
Children in KS1 have a book bag for daily use. This has the School crest and can be purchased from Horncastles. Each child requires a PE bag to hold their PE kit and this stays in School all term and comes home at the end of term for a wash!
Horncastles also supply school rucksacks, shoe bags and swimming bags but these are not compulsory.
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress
White Shirt (with collar, not a polo shirt)
*School jumper or cardigan
*School Tie (elasticated ties are available for the younger children)
Plain grey socks (long or short)/grey tights
Black School Shoes (not trainers or boots. Heels no higher than 1.5 inches)
*Fleece - optional as a light-weight coat/outdoor PE
Winter coats (ideally in a dark colour)
*Maroon swimming trunks/one-piece swimming costume
School Swimming cap (available to purchase from the School Office)
Sun hat
Red and white striped dress (not gingham or checked) - Marks and Spencer and John Lewis both supply appropriate dresses/grey shorts
White socks (long or short)
Sun hat
*Maroon shorts
*Maroon Skort (optional - Horncastles or other retailers
*PE shirt (different colours depending on your child's School House)
Black plimsolls
White sports sock
*PE bag
*Jogging trousers (optional and not needed at all in Year R & 1)
*Fleece - optional as a light-weight coat/outdoor PE
Hair and Jewellery
Long hair should be tied up at all times. Hair ties and bands should be plain and without embellishment. Dyed hair and nail polish are not permitted. Only watches and plain stud earrings are allowed and these must be removed for PE lessons. Swimming hats must be worn by all children (these can be purchased from the School Office).
Uniform Tips
Please ensure that every item of uniform is clearly marked with your child's name.
It is acceptable for children to come back in September in summer uniform when the weather is good.