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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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All children are allocated to one of the four houses.  Our houses, chosen by the children, are named after famous mountains.

                K2  (green)
                Everest (blue)
                Denali (formerly McKinley) (yellow)
                Mont Blanc (red)

House points are awarded throughout the year for effort, achievement, good manners, citizenship and other positive behaviour.  At the end of the academic year, the House with the most points receives the House Cup.  House Captains are chosen from Year 6, as well as House Sports captains who select teams and help organise the annual interhouse sports tournaments.  Interhouse competitions include swimming, netball, football, rugby, cricket, Cross country and sports day.


The winners of the 2023-2024 tournaments will be announced here as they happen:


                             KS1 Tag Rugby - Mont Blanc & Denali - October 2023

                             KS2 Hockey - Denali - October 2023

                             KS1 Cross Country - Mont Blanc - November 2023

                             KS2 Cross Country - Denali - November 2023 

                             KS1 Tennis - Denali - February 2024

                             KS2 Football - Denali - February 2024   

                             KS1 Rounders - Mont Blanc - March 2024

                             KS2 Netball - Denali - March 2024 

                             KS1 Tri-Golf - K2 - May 2024

                             KS2 Kwik Cricket - Everest - May 2024 

                             Year 4 - 6 Swim Gala - Denali - June 2024

                             KS1 Sports Day - Everest - June 2024

                             KS2 Sports Day - Everest - June 2024       


The winners of the 2022-2023 tournaments were:


                             Year 6 Tag Rugby - K2 - November 2022

                              KS2 Cross Country - Everest - November 2022

                              KS2 Netball - Everest - December 2022

                              Football - K2 - December 2022

                              KS1 Cross Country - K2 - January 2023

                              Year 1 and 2 Tennis - Everest and K2

                              Year 3 and 4 Dance - K2 and Mont Blanc

                              Year 1 and 2 Netball - Everest

                              Year 5 and 6 Basketball - Everest and K2

                              Year 3, 5 and 6 Hockey - Everest

                              Year 3, 5 and 6 Tennis - Denali

                              Year 4 Gymnastics - Mont Blanc

                              Year 1 and 2 Rapid Fire Cricket - Mont Blanc

                               Infant Agility (Years 1 and 2) - Everest

                               Kwik Cricket (Years 3 - 6) - Everest

                               KS2 Sports Day - Everest

                               KS1 Sports Day -  Mont Blanc     


The winners of the 2021-2022 tournaments were:

                              Year 6 Tag Rugby - K2 - October 2021

                              KS2 Cross Country - Everest - November 2021

                              Year 6 Football - Everest - December 2021

                              Year 6 Netball - K2 - December 2021

                               Hockey - McKinley - March 2022

                               Swimming Gala (Year 4 - 6) - McKinley - June 2022

                               Sports Day - Everest House - June 2022


The winners of the 2020-2021 tournaments were:


                              KS2 Cross Country - Mont Blanc - November 2020

                              Netball (Year 6) - Mont Blanc - December 2020

                              Football (Year 6) - Everest - March 2021

                              Hockey (Year 3) - Mont Blanc - March 2021

                              Hockey (Year 6) - McKinley - April 2021

                              Hockey (Year 4) - K2 - May 2021

                              Tag Rugby (Year 6) - K2 - June 2021

                               Kwick Cricket (Year 6) - Everest - July 2021

                               Hockey (Year 5) - K2 - July 2021


The winners of the 2019-20 tournaments were:


                             Netball - Mont Blanc - January 2020

                             Football  - McKinley - January 2020

                             KS1 Cross Country - K2 - November 2019

                             KS2 Cross Country - McKinley - November 2019

                             Tag Rugby - Mont Blanc - January 2020 


The winners of the 2018-19 tournaments were:


                             Netball - K2 - October 2018

                             Football - Mont Blanc - October 2018

                             KS1 Cross Country - McKinley - November 2108

                             KS2 Cross Country - McKinley - January 2019

                             Tag Rugby - McKinley - November 2018

                             KS1 Rapid Fire Cricket - McKinley - February 2019  

                             Hockey - Everest - February 2019        

                             KS2 Swimming Gala - McKinley - April 2019

                             KS2 Kwick Cricket - Mont Blanc - June 2019   

                             KS1 Sports Day - McKinley - July 2019

                             KS2 Sports Day - McKinley - July 2019


The winners of the 2017-18 tournaments were:

Netball - Everest - September 2017
Football - McKinley - September 2017
Tag Rugby - Everest - May 2018
KS2 Swimming - Everest - April 2018
Cross Country - McKinley - October 2017
Kwick Cricket -  McKinley - June 2018
KS1 Sports Day - K2 - July 2018
KS2 Sports Day  - Everest - July 2018







