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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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Music is an important part of life at Lady Boswell's and singing is at the heart of our daily collective worship.  We also have a thriving choir, which the Key Stage 2 children  are encouraged to join.  The choir performs at school events, at St Nicholas Church and at various local festivals and concerts.   Key Stage 2 children also participate in the Young Voices concert at the O2 Arena every other year. 

Our children have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments during their time at Lady Boswell's.  For the academic year 2019-2020, our Year 2 children learn the ocarina.  In Years 3 and 4, children learn the recorder.   Year 5 children will be enjoying clarinet lessons and in Year 6 children children will be composing and recording their own music.  Children in Year R learn music through story-telling and in Year 1 there is a focus on playing untuned percussion.  


Visiting peripatetic teachers teach a wide variety of musical instruments.  Lessons are currently available (for a fee) in piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin, 'cello, guitar, trumpet, cornet and drums.  Throughout the year our peripatetic music teachers lead assemblies providing their pupils with the opportunity to showcase their work.


We have established links with a range of local secondary schools (Sevenoaks School, Trinity, Hillview) who provide one-off musical workshops and opportunities throughout the year.  ​
Children are given opportunities to show their musical progress, performing during collective worship to the rest of the school, to parents and guests at musical events and in our summer production, which takes place at the Stag Theatre in July.   


