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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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If you are interested in a place for your child in one of our current Year R to Year 6 classes, please contact our Admissions Officer at  To have your child’s name included on our Waiting List or to be considered for a place at the School, you will be required to complete a KCC In Year Casual Admissions Form and a Supplementary Form (found at the end of the Admissions Policy) if relevant.  Both forms should be completed and returned directly to the School.  Please find both documents below.


Once these forms have been received by the school, we will notify you in writing of the outcome of your application within 10 days of receipt.


If a place is not available, you can appeal to an independent appeal panel. Please see below KCC Admissions Appeals guidance for parents. 

Deadlines for parents: Submit your appeal within 20 school days of notification that your application was unsuccessful and any additional evidence must be submitted at least 10 days before the hearing date.

Deadline for appeal panel : Evidence and appeal papers will be sent out to all parties at least 7 days before the hearing and a decision letter will be sent to you within 5 days of the hearing.

