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Lady Boswell's C.E. VA Primary School

Learning together, Christ at the Centre, Learning for Life

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Lady Boswell's maintains an inclusive approach to education and we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children.  All children are valued as a child of God and respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational needs.


As a fully inclusive school we always seek to enhance our provision for all children.  For children who may have a range of disabilities and learning difficulties, we work in liaison with other professionals to ensure children have access to specialist support, physical resources and expertise. Most importantly we seek to work with parents and families to ensure full equal access to every aspect of learning.     


 We recognise that there are some pupils who may require additional resources or extra support at some time in their primary school life and we aim to cater for the needs of all pupils. Early identification of a child’s needs is made by close consultation with parents and pre-school settings or previous schools. Individual pupils are monitored through teacher assessment, pupil progress meetings, provision mapping and personal plans.


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator/Inclusion Manager is Mrs Hannah Browning.  She is assisted by SEND Teacher, Mrs Megan Shead.  Our Family Liaison Officer is Mrs Anna-Marie Pullen.


If, as a parent, you have any concerns, Class teachers should be a parent’s first port of call, as they support your child on a daily basis; they are always more than happy to discuss children’s progress and provision.  Class Teachers will then initially seek support from our Inclusion manager.  


Below is our SEND Policy which includes a clear triage map to enable parents to access support in a graduated response of actions, designed to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place. 





To enhance our Wellbeing provision, at the end of 2023, we were delighted to have been selected to be the Sevenoaks Primary School’s Wellbeing Hub, supported by an NHS appointed Emotional Wellbeing team.


From December 2023, our NHS Emotional Wellbeing practitioners, Ellie, Lucy and Megan, have been based at Lady Boswell’s School offering sessions aimed at supporting both the School and the children, in providing an enhanced wellbeing package. They are keen to work alongside parents, running parent workshops on anxiety, friendships, alongside other NHS commissioned services such as introductions to autism, ADHD, resilience, sleep and behaviour problems. As well as working with children and parents, they also run group workshops on phobias, anxieties, problem solving and cognitive rebalancing through a CBT-based approach.


Below, please find details of their up-coming Parent Workshops.
